
The associates at Thayer Partners offer a range of services to help you seek a secure and comfortable retirement. We work closely with you to create a personalized retirement plan that aligns with your unique financial goals and lifestyle aspirations. We begin by assessing your current financial situation and future retirement needs, taking into account factors like desired retirement age, income sources, and expected expenses. Our services may include developing an investment strategy to grow your retirement savings, optimizing tax-efficient retirement income, and providing guidance on Social Security and pension decisions. We continuously monitor your retirement plan and adjust it as necessary to ensure it remains on track, accounting for life changes and evolving economic conditions. Our ultimate aim is to empower you to retire with confidence, knowing that your financial future is secure and that you can enjoy the retirement you’ve envisioned


Retirement – a time to relax, travel, pursue hobbies, and reap the rewards of your years of hard work. But before you can fully envision those golden years, careful planning is essential. MillerThayer is here to guide you through the process of creating a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Key Considerations for Retirement Planning:

  • Retirement Age: When do you envision yourself retiring? A longer retirement timeline allows for more flexibility in investment strategies and savings goals.
  • Desired Lifestyle: What kind of lifestyle do you want in retirement? Consider your travel aspirations, hobbies, and potential healthcare needs. These factors will influence the amount of money you’ll need to save.
  • Estimated Retirement Expenses: Create a realistic budget outlining your anticipated living expenses in retirement. Factor in housing costs, healthcare, transportation, and discretionary spending.
  • Current and Future Income Sources: Identify your potential sources of retirement income, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, investment income, and rental income.
  • Risk Tolerance: How comfortable are you with investment risk? Your risk tolerance will influence your investment strategy and asset allocation.

Strategies for a Secure Retirement:

  • Start Saving Early: The power of compound interest is a significant advantage for early savers. Starting early allows you to accumulate a larger nest egg even with smaller contributions.
  • Maximize Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans: Many employers offer retirement plans like 401(k)s or 403(b)s with employer matching contributions. Take advantage of these plans to maximize your retirement savings.
  • Diversify Your Investments: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, to mitigate risk.
  • Consider Catch-Up Contributions: The IRS allows individuals aged 50 and over to make additional contributions to certain retirement accounts. Take advantage of these catch-up options to accelerate your retirement savings.
  • Review and Adjust Your Plan Regularly: Life circumstances and market conditions can change. Regularly review your retirement plan and adjust your saving and investment strategies accordingly.

MillerThayer: Your Partner in Retirement Planning:

Planning for retirement can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to go it alone. MillerThayer’s team of experienced financial advisors can help you:

  • Develop a personalized retirement plan: We’ll work with you to understand your goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation to create a customized retirement plan.
  • Choose the right investment strategies: We’ll help you select investments that align with your risk tolerance and retirement timeline.
  • Monitor your progress and make adjustments: We’ll regularly review your progress and adjust your plan as needed to ensure you stay on track for a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Contact MillerThayer today and let us help you achieve your retirement dreams!

Once You Are Retired

We focus on designing investment portfolios that ensure a steady income stream during retirement. Our goal is to help you maintain your lifestyle and financial security after you stop working. And our Tax-Efficient Retirement Planning services aim to maximize your after-tax income during retirement. This ensures you can make the most of your hard-earned assets.

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