Comprehensive Wealth Management Services

Wealth Management

Wealth Management is a comprehensive approach to financial planning and investment management that is designed to help you achieve your financial goals. We understand that wealth is more than just the accumulation of assets; it’s about making those assets work for you in a way that aligns with your unique financial objectives.

Our Wealth management services are provided by Thayer Partners, LLC, which is a registered investment adviser, and encompass a range of strategies, including financial planning, investment management, tax planning, estate planning, and retirement planning. We will work closely with you to create a personalized wealth management plan tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. This includes assessing current financial situations, setting realistic goals, and then implementing strategies that seek to grow and preserve wealth over time.

We continuously monitor market conditions and stay current on financial trends, which helps us guide your portfolios for long-term success. We aim to provide peace of mind and financial security, helping you navigate the complexities of wealth management and make informed decisions that align with their financial aspirations. We are committed to helping you achieve your financial dreams and secure a prosperous future.

Four Quadrants

Our Wealth Management approach is based on Four Quadrants. We believe it’s essential for any plan to include all four of these areas because a change in one area will always impact another.

Tax Planning

Investment Management

Financial Planning

Estate Preservation

A Business Plan for Life

Having a plan with the flexibility to deal with changes and life issues is critical. This is the cornerstone of our planning philosophy; we call it a Business Plan for Life. The strategy is based on cash flow and tax impact rather than insurance and investments and can effectively deal with multiple “what if” scenarios.

A Financial Plan Should:

Integrate and coordinate all forms of planning.

Be based on cash flow and tax, not insurance and investments, provides a realistic assessment of the plan’s viability for that person’s current and future situation.

Provide multiple “what if” scenarios for now and down the road to prepare for all of life’s “consistent inconsistencies”.

Endeavor to quantify freedoms – the sole focus should not be on saving as much as you can but on determining the specific liberties you can take, allowing you to enjoy what you have sacrificed and worked so hard for.

The Business Plan for Life is exactly that: It regards your estate (everything you own) as a business and manages it with the same hands-on scrutiny it takes to run it successfully.

Tax Planning

Investment Positioning

Cash Flow Management

Estate Preservation

RESULT: Creating a much more serious awareness of the importance of addressing all areas of planning and the impact each has on the others.

Why Does Financial Planning and Tax Planning Work So Well Together?

Investing is a good way to ensure you can maintain your lifestyle through retirement, pay for your children’s college, and even build a multi-generational legacy.

There are many ways to start planning for your future. Some investors try to save more or delay their goals, so the market has time to grow. These options don’t always sound desirable, even if they are feasible.

Another option is to become more tax efficient. In other words, to reduce the tax taken from your investment earnings.

Taxes are a substantial drag on wealth accumulation because they hamper the powerful effects of compound growth rates. That’s because investors will never earn additional investment returns on the dollars paid out as taxes. So even small reductions in taxes can have a big impact on wealth accumulation over time.

These Reductions Can Be Made Through Things Like:

Securities and account types that are tax exempt

Structures and strategies that defer taxes to a later date

The combined effects of tax exemption and tax deferral, as these securities and account types can work together to have a complementary impact.

Lowering taxes now, even by a little bit, can have a big impact on wealth accumulation over time.

Transition Phases

Clients usually come to us during transition phases in their lives. Common ones are listed below, but they can be any part of your life that is causing a financial change. We will help you get through these phases of life and on to the next ones. Some are good changes, some are sad, but life is full of them.

Buying a home

Getting Married

New Baby

Taxes are becoming too much, and you want to make sure they are minimized



Get out of debt


New job and compensation package

Put your kids through college

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